44 Quotes for the category Work
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the early bird catches the worm
Unknown, English proverb
If you are a cultural worker from Russia who feels ashamed or guilty for this war and you don’t know what to do, start by decolonising your own culture from within or give your place on international platforms to Ukrainian voices. It would surely be uncomfortable and uncanny, but you will not be alone in this. Some of your colleagues are already there.
Lia Dostlieva, Not all criticism is Russophobic: on decolonial approach to Russian culture, 2022
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Wenn 't Boom is groot, is 't Planter dood.
Unknown, Ostfriesische Redewendung
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Der Rat erinnert die Leute daran, jeden Sonntag ein Geldlein zusammenzulegen so wie Brot und anderes zu kaufen und bereitzustellen, damit jenen fremden Armen, die sich durch ihre Arbeit alleine nicht zu ernähren vermögen, in ihrer Lebensnot geholfen werden kann.
Unknown, Basler Geschichte, 5. Februar 1603
Dat word all leper mit mien Ogen, see de Knecht, vanmörgen kunn ik keen Botter up 't Brood sehn, un nu seh ik keen Wurst in de Bohnsopp.
Unknown, Ostfriesische Redewendung
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