19 Цитати для категорії АнглійськаМоваПрограмування
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Optimist says the glass is half full. Computer systems architect says that glass won't scale.
Test Driven Development can be positively addictive.
Майкл Хартл, Ruby on Rails Tutorial, 2010
If you try to chase two rabbits at the same time, both will escape.
Невідомо, Chinese proverb
The quality of any collaborative creative endeavor tends to approach the level of taste of whoever has final cut.
Джон Грубер, Macworld Expo Discusses "The Auteur Theory of Design", January 2009
Understanding developers' motivations is the best way — in some sense, the only way — to manage a project.
Карл Фогель, Producing Open Source Software, How to Run a Successful Free Software Project, 2005
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